2020 posts
C++ Insights
C++ Insights code coverage on Windows
In my last post, I wrote about the switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions (C++ Insights: From Travis CI to GitHub Actions. In the what's next section, I dreamed a little about [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights: From Travis CI to GitHub Actions
A while ago, Travis CI informed me (and others) that travis-ci.org will be shutting down, and all projects have to move to travis-ci.com (or something like this). A call to action. [...]
Under the covers of C++ lambdas - Part 3: Generic lambdas
In this post, we continue to explore lambdas and compare them to function objects. In the previous posts, Under the covers of C++ lambdas - Part 1: The static invoker, we looked [...]
iX Article: always false
An article I wrote for the German iX magazine "always false" is available in issue 2020/12. It is available as a printed edition as well as online. This is part of a series. [...]

Under the covers of C++ lambdas - Part 2: Captures, captures, captures
In this post, we continue to explore lambdas and compare them to function objects. In the previous post, Under the covers of C++ lambdas - Part 1: The static invoker, we looked at [...]
Under the covers of C++ lambdas - Part 1: The static invoker
This post is the start of a three-part series about lambdas. The focus is on how they are modeled internally. We will compare lambdas with function objects to see whether we as [...]
CppCon B2B Talk C++ Templates - Videos are out
The videos of my two Back to Basic talks at CppCon 2020 are available on Youtube: [...]

CppCon B2B Talk C++ Templates - Questions and Answers
This post tries to answer some of the questions posted during my two talks at CppCon 2020: [...]

iX Article: Auto as NTTP
An article I wrote for the German iX magazine "Auto as NTTP" is available in issue 2020/9. It is available as a printed edition as well as online. This is part of a series. Expect [...]

C++20 Concepts: Subsumption rules
In episode 231 of C++ Weekly Multiple Destructors in C++20?! How and Why Jason told us about an optional like class with two destructors. Thanks to Concepts, this is possible in [...]
Work with me at one of the upcoming events
In my June post Public appearances 2020 I announced a couple events at which I will speak or give a workshop. We are approaching some of these events and for some there are a few [...]
C++20 Concepts: Testing constrained functions
In my last month post How C++20 Concepts can simplify your code I introduced the different kind of a requires-clause, part of C++20s Concepts. Concepts and the requires-clause [...]
How C++20 Concepts can simplify your code
Today I like to talk about C++20's Concepts and how they help you simplify your code. Plus, make it more correct. [...]
iX Article: C++-Tricks - Scoped Enums in C++
An article I wrote for the German iX magazin "Scoped Enums in C++" is available in the issue 7/2020. It is available as a printed edition as well as online. This is part of a [...]

Public appearances 2020
This post would under normal circumstanced be late, but with the situation in 2020 there is no certainty. [...]
C++ Insights
Article about C++ Insights in iX magazine
The German iX magazine published an article by Detlef Wilkening: Nativen Code mit C++ Insights anzeigen lassen in issue 6/2020. You can purchase either just this article or the [...]
C++20: Inside of a spaceship
With C++20 writing classes with comparison operators becomes much easier. Herb Sutter’s example from P0515 is CIString which is a case-insensitive string class wrapper. It needs [...]
C++ Insights
C++ Insights is on YouTube
Today is the day. I briefly announced in my C++ Insights updates post that I plan to bring short videos about C++ Insights to YouTube. Today the first episode aired: C++ Insights [...]

Live virtual training
Since the world was hit by the COVID-19 virus a lot, if not everything, has changed. Among these things are live training classes I usually teach. Due to the risk of an infection [...]
iX Article: C++-Tricks - Effizienterer Code mit Fold Expressions published
An article I wrote for the German iX magazin "C++-Tricks - Effizienterer Code mit Fold Expressions" is available in the issue 4/2020. It is available as a printed edition as well [...]

C++ Insights
C++ Insights updates
Last week, I pushed an update to the web-part of C++ Insights. I kinda felt like a web-developer for some time. I now know, that there is CSS grid layouts which seems the superior [...]
Use named lambdas or pass them directly
During the Q&A part of my talk at code::dive Adam Badura asked the question whether passing a lambda directly to a function using it has some performance impact compared to an [...]
What could possibly go wrong?
When I spoke at ACCU Belfast in November 2019 about lambdas during my talk several things went not as planned. I think this is a good opportunity to talk a little about what can [...]
C++ Insights
How to run a local instance of C++ Insights
Now that C++ Insights has been available for more than one and a half years, I have received requests on how to run a local instance. I do it myself for my training classes or [...]