Public classes 2024

The year has already started. If you're interested in working with me at one of my public classes, here is what you need to know.

I will give a one-day online workshop about C++20's coroutines at C++Online: A day with coroutines on March 4th.

Kevin Carpenter did an interview with me about the workshop, which you can view on YouTube:

I will give the same workshop, but this time in German at ADC on May 6th.

There may be another public class, but don't count on it. These are likely the only open-enrollment classes I offer in 2024.

I'm in New York at the end of July. Should your company be interested in me teaching a class, feel free to reach out. You can, of course, contact me for on-site or remote training in other locations.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at one of these trainings!
