BlogC++ InsightsC++ Insights news flash - Clang 13 and moreIt's been a while since I last wrote about C++ Insights. Sorry for that. No worries, I still actively maintain the project. [...]C++Why you should use std::move only rarelyIn today's post, I try to tackle a topic that comes up frequently in my classes, move semantics, and when to use std::move. I will explain to you why not say std::move yourself [...]C++C++20 - Filling blanksWhat do you know about default parameters in C++? Well, C++20 introduced new elements that can be seen like default parameters. [...]TrainingMore than a year of virtual classes experience - The good partsI think you all know what happened back in 2020 when we all ended up in a different world. I wrote this in the past, and it is still true. I'm very grateful that I can still make [...]C++The difference between static_assert and C++20's requiresOver this year, I gave various presentations and classes about C++20's Concepts. In today's post, I like to discuss the difference between a static_assert and a Concept, or [...]PublicationsBook: Programming with C++20 - Paperback edition availableYou can now order Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more from Amazon. Due to your feedback, references carry page numbers and there is a full-color and a [...]PublicationsBook: Programming with C++20 - What's your style preference?Last week I ordered the first test print for Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more. I'm looking forward to holding it in my hands around Friday. This [...]C++ InsightsA Visual Studio Code extension for C++ InsightsSome of you had asked for this in the past, and now it is there. Thanks to Tobias Fuchs (@meet__tobi), there is now an extension for Visual Studio Code that allows you to see the [...]C++C++20 Modules: Reachability and VisibilityC++20's modules are one feature of the big four, supposed to influence how we write C++ code in a huge way. One expectation we discussed in (C++20 Modules: The possible speedup) [...]PublicationsBook: Programming with C++20 - Writing finishedA while ago, I announced that I was writing a book about C++20 (Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more). A lot of you have already purchased an early copy [...]Posts navigation〈 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 〉