BlogC++ InsightsC++ Insights is on YouTubeToday is the day. I briefly announced in my C++ Insights updates post that I plan to bring short videos about C++ Insights to YouTube. Today the first episode aired: C++ Insights [...]TrainingLive virtual trainingSince the world was hit by the COVID-19 virus a lot, if not everything, has changed. Among these things are live training classes I usually teach. Due to the risk of an infection [...]PublicationsiX Article: C++-Tricks - Effizienterer Code mit Fold Expressions publishedAn article I wrote for the German iX magazin "C++-Tricks - Effizienterer Code mit Fold Expressions" is available in the issue 4/2020. It is available as a printed edition as well [...]C++ InsightsC++ Insights updatesLast week, I pushed an update to the web-part of C++ Insights. I kinda felt like a web-developer for some time. I now know, that there is CSS grid layouts which seems the superior [...]C++Use named lambdas or pass them directlyDuring the Q&A part of my talk at code::dive Adam Badura asked the question whether passing a lambda directly to a function using it has some performance impact compared to an [...]PersonalWhat could possibly go wrong?When I spoke at ACCU Belfast in November 2019 about lambdas during my talk several things went not as planned. I think this is a good opportunity to talk a little about what can [...]C++ InsightsHow to run a local instance of C++ InsightsNow that C++ Insights has been available for more than one and a half years, I have received requests on how to run a local instance. I do it myself for my training classes or [...]ConferenceMy conference year 2019This year (2019) I had the pleasure to attend and speak at 8 conference around the world (maybe a portion of the world but still). It was also very nice to speak a three [...]C++ InsightsGitpod and C++ InsightsA while back I discovered a new project Gitpod. The idea is as simple as clever. It is a development IDE which runs in a browser. Not that fancy? True, but this project comes with [...]C++ InsightsCoroutines in C++ Insights - The poll resultEarlier this month I started a Twitter poll about how to support coroutines in C++ Insights. This was to get guidance as showing a lot of behind the scene stuff as usual is more [...]Posts navigation〈 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 〉