BlogPublicationsArticle "Nutzen Sie die Macht der Sprache" got publishedMy article I wrote for the proceedings of the ESE Kongress 2016 got published at embedded software engineering. [...]ConferenceKeynote at Clean Code Days in Munich on June 21stI will give this year's keynote at the Clean Code Days in Munich. The talk title is "Use the power of the language". I will use C++ as an example programming language to show how [...]TrainingNew seminar: C++1x für eingebettete Systeme kompaktThis year I'll be working with QA Systems for a one day technical seminar called C++1x für eingebettete Systeme kompakt. The seminar will be in Stuttgart on November 21st. The [...]ConferenceNDC { Oslo } 2017The year is still fresh regarding conferences. Only a few have already taken place, some more are coming. Among them, I'm looking forward to this year's NDC" (Norwegian Developers [...]ConferenceADC++ schedule available nowThis year's ADC++ schedule is available now, and it looks quite promising to me. There are 20 different talks, plus a keynote given by Nicolai Josuttis. [...]ConferenceMeet me at ADC++ in MayI'm pleased to announce that I will have two slots at this year's ADC++ on May 16. and 17. at the Microsoft headquarter in Munich, Germany. [...]C++std::cout << "Hello, World";As the title indicates, this is my first post on this blog. Its main purpose is to stay in touch with you. I will announce my public talks and training days at this place. [...]Posts navigation〈 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19