February 2025 posts

C++ Insights

C++ Insights Episode 59: C++ Insights' new C++ to C transformation

I published a new C++ insights episode: C++ Insights' new C++ to C transformation. [...]

2025 updates

I made a couple of changes in 2025. Here is a brief outline. [...]

C++ for embedded systems: constexpr and consteval

In today's post, I'll learn how modern C++ can influence the code you write for your embedded system. You will see code using up to C++23. The example I show you below circles [...]

iX Article: C++-Coroutinen einsetzen: Tasks und Generatoren

An article I wrote for the German iX magazine "C++-Coroutinen einsetzen: Tasks und Generatoren" is available in issue 2025/02. It is available as a printed edition as well as [...]