C++Online workshop: Safe and Efficient C++ for Embedded Environments (compact)

I'm thrilled to let you know that I'll give the workshop "Safe and Efficient C++ for Embedded Environments (compact)" as part of C++Online.

The workshop will take place on Monday, February 24th, 2025. It is a remote workshop, so we can join from everywhere.

The course is specifically for people in the embedded domain. You'll learn about various features of modern C++, as you can see in the outline below:

  • Language features in C++
    • References
    • nullptr
    • Explicit data type conversion
    • Uniform initialization
    • Digit separator
    • auto type deduction
    • range-based for loops
    • Strongly typed enum
    • static or inline
    • Attributes
  • ROM-ability
  • Living without the heap
    • Dynamic memory management
    • alignas & alignof
    • Placement-new
    • Implementing a pool allocator
    • std::launder
    • std::unique_ptr
    • std::start_life_time_as

I'm excited about the class!

You can also register for the workshop directly on the conference page:

Register Now

Don't miss out. You'll be on the safe side if you book in the next week or two!


P.S: This is the one-day version. For an in-house class, we can extend the duration to three days, covering even more important material.