

C++ Insights

Hello C++ Insights

It occurred to me that I never really introduced C++ Insights on my blog. So here we go. [...]
C++ Insights

Using base class constructor

While preparing slides for my next on-site training I stumbled across the C++11 powers of using. Specifically together with constructors of a base class. Here is a sample: [...]

Use of the comma operator

Last week, I read a blog article from Jonathan Boccara called "Getting Along With The Comma Operator in C++". At the end of the article I felt bad for the comma operator. Jonathan [...]

Safer type casting with C++17

I like to write less code and letting the compiler fill in the open parts. After all the compiler knows most and best about these things. In C++ we have a strong type system. [...]

std::cout << "Hello, World";

As the title indicates, this is my first post on this blog. Its main purpose is to stay in touch with you. I will announce my public talks and training days at this place. [...]